
See much better with the eyes closed.

Who of you have never been to Berlin? Or: which city of the journey is new for you?
I would like to try a little experiment.
We all have different associations to places.
In Berlin my heart got broken, in Tel Aviv I found my inner piece. What would happen if you could see your city with the eyes of someone else?
For me, Berlin is full of memories, every corner has a story to tell, and I always wish, I could see it with virgin eyes.
If one of you has never been here, I would ask this person to show me around with eyes bonded, explaining me, what he or she sees and feels.
As well I have never been to Bucharest and Istanbul, so I would be more than happy to lend you my eyes which are quite good linked to my heart.
Let us show us, what we see, and create innocent first impressions and common experiences.
Love and curiosity from the Queen of Hearts. See you soon. Or don´t see you, but hear you. 
The magic has already entered Berlin. Can´t wait to spread it. 


I am Clearly, and I am writing on behalf of Nir Segal. 

I like clearing things as much as I like things when they are clear. Most of the time though, I am not clear myself. 

I am wondering with thoughts of a journey, the journey we are all so excited to start. I am starting the journey as the wonder of text but will be very clear on the train. So clear I won't be seen on it.
However, I will contribute by thoughts and ideas, trying to share this wonder journey with you and write our story. A story to make sense of the clear, which is exactly what we don't know. I have wished for this ride for so long and ended up taking a path with its own track hoping it will meet the train at some point. 

It is clear we will meet!

It is clear I am trapped in with you.

clear me up clearly I am in. 

7 carrots.

7. 7 songs in 7 languages, in 7 countries, with 7 bands, found on the way.
Music, as a key to peoples creativity.
1 song written on the journey, sung by 1 girl, who is going back into her childhood, where she dreamt of becoming a singer. 1 song, brought to 7 countries, with 7 melodies but only one meaning: how many steps you need to take, to make anything happen. In this case: 7! 


Hello to everyone....I am really looking forward to meeting you soon. 
When the White Rabbit sent us the first telegram, I responded with the following message:

You know what's simply so crazy!!! This happens to be the most gypsy time of my life so far. I haven't stopped in a single place for more than 3 weeks or so for almost a year. AND, the time we will be going on our journey will mark exactly a year of this amazing hopping around. Exactly a year. Will tell you more when I see you. 

I am so excited. This is sparking something really amazing inside -- something I haven't felt since my high school years when I was super inspired by the mystical....somehow real worldness (working, filming, hustling to make a living) took that out of me. Now it's back!!!


CARROT ALERT #2: connectivity as 7 states of internal transformation


i wonder about connectivity as an internal investigation, as an internal process. 
a process which involves 7 states of transformation.

7 cities, 7 doors, 7 openings, 7 states, 7 transformations.
a chain from city to city, door to door, opening to opening, state to state, transformation to transformation. arriving at connectivity with oneself, with one's 7 shakras, and therefore with others. 

the process of connectivity then becomes an evolution. 
alchemy is the process of transformation from one state to another. 7 alchemic process, the cleaning of a crystal  one side at a time.

"the traveler begins to undergo a process of inward transformation. is he is among those destined to reach perfection, he will climb the ascending rungs of a ladder stretching to heaven and beyond; the alchemy of the way will transmute the base copper of his substance into pure and noble gold" - rumi 

link to cool book


CARROT ALERT RESPONSE #1: Pilgrims and Stop the clock.

Dear White Rabbit:

I often question myself, why the people stopped beeing nomads and became still.
Traveling means moving, movement means change, change means life. It does for me.
Maybe we have all these problems in our society, because we are waiting too much, staying too much on the same place.
After a while we think the place becomes us, we get used to this feeling and habits bring us expectations that don´t have anything to do with the reality.
We unlearn to adapt, we are not in the rhythm of nature, we are not linked with us and each other anymore.
And life starts to get interesting, when you leave the track, discover the beauty of something you have never seen before or tase a fruit, which lets your heart explode. Forget patterns and expectations, get ready to be taken away with the waves!

Traveling means finding back our instincts, finding our what it actual means, to be a human being. Maybe travelling is the only possibility to answer this big question, everyone keeps asking: WHY ARE WE HERE?
Travelling as a meditation. Stillness in Movement.

If you decide to go on a journey, you have to kill your ego, and find it again on the way. Once you have it, lose it again, and find it again. Act instinctively and help others to do so, too. Find your instinct, to find yourself. And what connects you with everyone else.

The present is endless so use it whenever you can. Don´t get distracted by habits, boredom or the thoughts of past and future. If time doesn't exist, then the connection you make with someone or yourself becomes real reality.
The present is all we have. The present is the present of life.

I hope this answer will make you stop looking at your watch.
The Queen of Hearts




pilgrims - on the edge of perception. gypsies - travelers - a non identity, or rather an identity undefined. searching for a reality that encompasses a glorious non-reality. 

as travelers usually do, journeying, searching for some sort of wonderland - delusioning in the fact that it's a said reality, yet knowing all the well that it's simply a magical shimmering lining across reality. ...perhaps..a skimming of reality. filtering merely the most magical points. 

are pilgrims restless then? by very nature. are they the center of their thirst to discover something by movement? or have time and distance become one in their eyes, resulting in an open field of space that loops and connects us without reference to context, past, present, or future. ..?