Dear White Rabbit:
I often question myself, why the people stopped beeing nomads and became still.
Traveling means moving, movement means change, change means life. It does for me.
Maybe we have all these problems in our society, because we are waiting too much, staying too much on the same place.
After a while we think the place becomes us, we get used to this feeling and habits bring us expectations that don´t have anything to do with the reality.
We unlearn to adapt, we are not in the rhythm of nature, we are not linked with us and each other anymore.
And life starts to get interesting, when you leave the track, discover the beauty of something you have never seen before or tase a fruit, which lets your heart explode. Forget patterns and expectations, get ready to be taken away with the waves!
Traveling means finding back our instincts, finding our what it actual means, to be a human being. Maybe travelling is the only possibility to answer this big question, everyone keeps asking: WHY ARE WE HERE?
Travelling as a meditation. Stillness in Movement.
If you decide to go on a journey, you have to kill your ego, and find it again on the way. Once you have it, lose it again, and find it again. Act instinctively and help others to do so, too. Find your instinct, to find yourself. And what connects you with everyone else.
The present is endless so use it whenever you can. Don´t get distracted by habits, boredom or the thoughts of past and future. If time doesn't exist, then the connection you make with someone or yourself becomes real reality.
The present is all we have. The present is the present of life.
I hope this answer will make you stop looking at your watch.
The Queen of Hearts
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