
how to make a wish come true, or- what is the price for fulfilling a phantasy

Aren´t we all just play a role in life? Who do you want to be?
I think, it is all just about pretending.
Claim something you want to be. Say it out loud and then  climb up all the steps it takes to be it.
Herewith I say, that I am a singer from now on.
I am, so I will be.
And I take seven steps. Seven stops.

Thats what I always liked about travelling. People keep on asking you the same questions:
Whats your name, where are you from, where are you going and WHY? To find yourself? To lose yourself? What is your job, do you have kids?

I always liked to play with that. I have already been an astronaut, a clerk, a politician and a housewife.
In wonderland I will be a singer.

Who are you? ... It just hopped into my head, but "In just seven days, I can make you a man". ???  Did Frank n Further  as well went on a trip into seven countries? Don´t dream it- be it?

I don´t believe in coincidences anymore, only in essence.


Wonderland becomes a Theme Park. Let the adventures become reality.

Get ready to adjust to the themes of each city.

Barcelona: The beginning of something big.
Paris: Decadence en France
Berlin: Mingle with strangers, go with the flow
Hungary: Grounding and Cleaning
Bukarest: Going deeper underground and political.
Istanbul: Multikontinental Art.
Tel Aviv: Unite, let go and digest.


i've been wondering why sometimes we invite strangers in our lives..
and why sometimes we walk in as a stranger in someone else's life..


So from Clearly I became Clarity, and upon this quest I want all the stones and crystals to be clear.
In this journey lets look through the stones and crystals through the materials and objects. And as we pass through space and place, think of the different stories we have learnt about these materials. 
I want to specifically question the coins! The coins and their symbol. The coins which were once a natural material and we learned to accept them as symbols of value.  what are these values?  can we clear them? can we make our own? 
Once upon a time we were trapped in the world of coins, once upon before then we did not know them....



Carrot Alert #3: what about those crystals?


my fascination with crystals began with its very close metaphoric articulation of something that manifests light and transformations.

as i personally struggle with the absurdity of form to essence,  and then the articulation of essence to form, a rotation of existentialism and reconstructivism, the crystal has been a marvelous symbol for a projection of these philosophies. clarity to confusion and back again. a little las fernandez conversation lead to this drawing: 

aesthetically speaking there's something spectacular about the light tectonics that whizzes through a crystal. transmittors of light, expressing light through a myriad of angles, and colors. crystals are transmittors of essence, capturing light and translating it into form.

when the essence of a crystal transmits its ray, it goes through layers of purification - processes of transformation. each transformation perhaps could be a different facet of the prism, sparking different colors before it arrives at this ultimate clarity.

i see the crystals as us embarking on  a 7 stop journey of transformation. connecting the theme of carrot 2 - 7 transformations of connectivity, within oneself, culminating into this complete connectivity with oneself and with others. sooo idealistic:)

the crystal show is the 7th act. each one's own kaleidoscopic transformation of colors and lights. the ultimate clarity. for anna, the song, the symphony. for gandja- the short film.

how interesting that our new traveller, clarity, also comes from our 7th stop - tel aviv.

i started reading a little about this and found some rather interesting quotes:

"the crystals that have 7 sides, 7 points - supposedly that's the channeling crystal. the one that symbolizes the 7 qualities human consciousness must master to access the wisdom of the Total Self.
the mystics student. the number 7 symbolizes perfect order, the normal cycle of growth

"why rock crystal? because of its translucency, its multiple planes, and the fascination of its colours – all of which present themselves differently as light moves around them. the hues of rock crystal are subtle, striking and widely varied – for they can be clear or milky, white, or rose coloured, or smoky, or golden, or black." - written by a mystic.

rather sparky and magical i thought and reflected on this:

how the ego's dust settles on the crystal's luminosity. collecting a puppetry of shadows in the light. a stormy night, the ego disperses in the cleanse. and there a symphony of sliding mirrors and light mazes awaits. calling all stations to wonderland....from the cave to cava.....let the journey begin...


Time is ticking in Berlin. They have even created a parc just for us. 
Mörchenpark (Mörchen means the perfect mix between a carrot and a fairy tale) 
I think we should go there and bring them some Cava from Barcelona.