
Carrot Alert #3: what about those crystals?


my fascination with crystals began with its very close metaphoric articulation of something that manifests light and transformations.

as i personally struggle with the absurdity of form to essence,  and then the articulation of essence to form, a rotation of existentialism and reconstructivism, the crystal has been a marvelous symbol for a projection of these philosophies. clarity to confusion and back again. a little las fernandez conversation lead to this drawing: 

aesthetically speaking there's something spectacular about the light tectonics that whizzes through a crystal. transmittors of light, expressing light through a myriad of angles, and colors. crystals are transmittors of essence, capturing light and translating it into form.

when the essence of a crystal transmits its ray, it goes through layers of purification - processes of transformation. each transformation perhaps could be a different facet of the prism, sparking different colors before it arrives at this ultimate clarity.

i see the crystals as us embarking on  a 7 stop journey of transformation. connecting the theme of carrot 2 - 7 transformations of connectivity, within oneself, culminating into this complete connectivity with oneself and with others. sooo idealistic:)

the crystal show is the 7th act. each one's own kaleidoscopic transformation of colors and lights. the ultimate clarity. for anna, the song, the symphony. for gandja- the short film.

how interesting that our new traveller, clarity, also comes from our 7th stop - tel aviv.

i started reading a little about this and found some rather interesting quotes:

"the crystals that have 7 sides, 7 points - supposedly that's the channeling crystal. the one that symbolizes the 7 qualities human consciousness must master to access the wisdom of the Total Self.
the mystics student. the number 7 symbolizes perfect order, the normal cycle of growth

"why rock crystal? because of its translucency, its multiple planes, and the fascination of its colours – all of which present themselves differently as light moves around them. the hues of rock crystal are subtle, striking and widely varied – for they can be clear or milky, white, or rose coloured, or smoky, or golden, or black." - written by a mystic.

rather sparky and magical i thought and reflected on this:

how the ego's dust settles on the crystal's luminosity. collecting a puppetry of shadows in the light. a stormy night, the ego disperses in the cleanse. and there a symphony of sliding mirrors and light mazes awaits. calling all stations to wonderland....from the cave to cava.....let the journey begin...

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