
I am Clearly, and I am writing on behalf of Nir Segal. 

I like clearing things as much as I like things when they are clear. Most of the time though, I am not clear myself. 

I am wondering with thoughts of a journey, the journey we are all so excited to start. I am starting the journey as the wonder of text but will be very clear on the train. So clear I won't be seen on it.
However, I will contribute by thoughts and ideas, trying to share this wonder journey with you and write our story. A story to make sense of the clear, which is exactly what we don't know. I have wished for this ride for so long and ended up taking a path with its own track hoping it will meet the train at some point. 

It is clear we will meet!

It is clear I am trapped in with you.

clear me up clearly I am in. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. you are more than welcome to write as the anonymous clearly. or if you like, you can also write as the clearly clearly. your name is registered in the rabbit hole.
    now about this clearly business. it's funny you mention it. i myself have been spending days in solitude pondering the very expression of essence, always gravitating towards the symbol of the crystal. the metaphor of clarity, clearness, contrasted with the murky dust of confusion. finally i gave up on words, metaphors and such bothering nonsense, but before i did, i came to this conclusion.

    the ego nestles itself as the dust on the crystal. creating shadows through the crystal's sparkling clear essence. i suppose i call it the crystal express, envisioning the eradication of all layers of ego and dust particles, reducing to a clear sparkle that begins, evolves and excels all boundaries of discourse.

    you, as clarity, have the ultimate meaning in my story :)

  3. Lets dive in into clear blue water and open our eyes together. Teh salt hurts and the visablitly is not clear. But clearer you can´t get and thats the price you pay.
    Nonsense. Welcome in The Rabbit Hole!
